Homer's Last Line
And other short stories

Homer's Last Line
301 pages
Published in 2024
Santí's collection features a total of 15 short stories that span across diverse settings around the world. While the themes of war, loss, and love serve as central threads, each story boasts a distinct and concrete voice, showcasing Santí's meticulous scene craftsmanship and evident passion for the written word.
Within the pages of this captivating collection, readers will encounter poignant tales, love, and endurance in “Uncommon Valor,” a delightful twist in “Homer’s Last Line,” and suspense in “On The Corner of Lafayette” . Lex E Santí's debut short story collection, "Homer's Last Line," is a remarkable literary journey that showcases his extensive talent. Santí is the former editor-in-chief at Our Stories literary journal. With a background in creative writing, having studied under the guidance of acclaimed authors Richard Bausch and the late Alan Cheuse at George Mason University, Santí presents readers with a diverse and immersive collection of tales that delve deep into the human experience.