Time Away
A Journey Through Verse

Selected Poems 95-05
144 pages
Published in 2023
Dive into the soul-stirring world of Lex E Santi in "Time Away," a seminal collection of poems that chronicles an extraordinary journey from an eager undergraduate at Hobart and William Smith Colleges to a reflective therapist and poet in Saint Louis, Missouri. This collection is not just a series of poems; it's a voyage through life's diverse phases, encapsulating experiences from Santi's time at his beloved Hobart College, then onward in the Peace Corps to the creative zenith of his MFA years at George Mason and onward to his MSW at Washington University in Saint Louis.
"Time Away" traverses through Santi's life chapters - from his undergraduate days, his transformative experiences in Romania with the Peace Corps, to his 9-5s in the U.S. federal government, and higher education administration and his enlightening MFA journey at George Mason. The work, as a whole, gives the documentation of this journey and takes you to all corners of the world, inviting the reader to become an integral part of the narrative.